GitHub Advanced Security Code Scanning demo for Javascript using an application with the Zip Slip Vulnerability.
GitHub Advanced Security Code Scanning tutorial for Terraform. Based on Terragoat and tfsec. Fork of
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A collection of codespace examples created for demonstration purposes.
GitHub Advanced Security Code Scanning demo using WebGoat, a deliberate insecure web application maintained by OWASP designed to teach web application security lessons.
Looking for GitHub Actions Starter workflows? Look no further!
Repository template used to showcase Actions that tie into pull request and issue events
This repository contains pipeline files for various CI/CD systems, illustrating how to integrate the CodeQL Runner for Automated Code Scanning
Get Dependabot Alerts from a repo
SAML onboarding: helpful materials to help you get started with SAML SSO
GitHub Advanced Security scanning tutorial repo for a compilable language
This repo demonstrates how you can orchestrate a continuous delivery process of a container-based application to Azure WebApps using GitHub Actions.